The whole of our daily life is connected with the plurality of electrical appliances which provide us with the necessary level of comfort. But, unfortunately, the environment from their use is deteriorating. So today is a very acute issue of reducing energy costs.

Saving electricity will reduce the consumption of natural resources that are not infinite, to reduce the emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, and therefore to contribute to the preservation of our rivers, lakes and forests. And, of course, the energy savings will significantly reduce utility costs, which is very important - because prices are constantly increasing.
And if everyone starts to save energy in your home, will benefit not only he, but also the whole country.
Energy efficient tips
Before you start to save electricity, you must determine which household appliances consume the most electricity, and the right to exploit them.
One of the main consumers of electricity in the house. The refrigerator operates continuously, ensuring the freshness and safety from contamination of food. But if you use it incorrectly, that electricity it will consume more than required.
Operating tips
Properly install refrigerator. It should not be placed near a stove or battery and on the Sunny side, from this he begins to work harder and increases energy consumption significantly. No need to also put it close to the wall, it will prevent air circulation and cause overheating.

Watch the temperature display on the fridge. If it is switched on practically without stopping, you need to put less cold mode. This is not much impact on the shelf life of products, but also help to save electricity. Those foods that spoil faster, it is better to put near the wall of the refrigerator, where the temperature is lower.
Defrosting something, do it in advance: remove the frozen product from the freezer and place in cooler on top shelf products will "help" to operate the refrigerator, saving electricity.
Do not put warm food in the fridge and leave the door open, try it is often not open. It will also lead to the fact that he will be more likely to engage and consume more energy.
Regularly defrost the refrigerator. The ice in the refrigerator is not cold, but rather works as an insulator. So you need to defrost the freezer, preventing the formation of ice "fur."
One of the most wasteful appliances. It is a long time heats up and cools down, more energy-intensive. Therefore, the correct handling of the stove – one of the main ways of energy saving. And cooking can significantly save.
Operating tips
Do not place the stove and refrigerator in the kitchen nearby. You will receive a significant increase in utility costs due to empty loss of energy for additional cooling of the device and heating the other.
Cook your food on low heat. In most cases, powerful heating is not needed. Usually liquid it is only necessary to bring to a boil, and then cook food on low heat. Use the residual heat of the burners, turn off the oven 10 minutes before cooking.
Use cookware with a bottom that is equal to or slightly exceeds the diameter of the burner appliance. You should not use utensils smaller circumference and to prevent burner "warmed air".
The bottom of the pots and pans should be smooth and tight to the ring. Cookware with rough bottoms can cause excess power consumption by up to 40-60%.
When cooking, keep pans with a lid, not to lose additional heat. When cooking with the lid open consumption of electricity increases in two and a half times. And even if the lid slightly open, the flow rate of electricians is still more than when closed.
When cooking vegetables, pour into the pan with less water. Their not necessarily fully cover with water. And the less water.
To heat food, and in some cases and cook in the microwave is cheaper. It consumes less electricity. Besides, the food cooked faster.
Washing (drying) machine
Due to the powerful motor and great speed, a washing machine consumes a lot of electricity. The choice of machines, like other appliances, choose equipment class And energy consumption is most economical.
Operating tips
macerari clothes before washing. Dirt rather depart from linen and should not be machine washed several times.
Use the full load of the machine. When loading the tank of the washing machine only half 50% of its power use is wasted. But to overload the machine is also not necessary. Too much of Laundry as a load, which pulls in additional costs for utilities.
Wash at 30°C instead of 40°C allows to save 40% energy. The quality of washing remains the same, because modern washing powders are designed to effectively wash clothes at low temperatures. Don't buy too-foaming detergents.
Excessive use of the drying mode can also be a factor in the inefficient use of electricity.
Remove clothes from the dryer slightly damp. This will improve the drapability of the fabric and to facilitate Ironing. And by the way, too dry or too wet linen have to be ironed longer than a little wet, which means, comes more energy consumption.
Advantageous in that it is a very economical way of spending water. For example, for washing 12 – 14 sets of dishes in the machine will need 14-18 liters of water, while hand washing is about 60 liters.
Operating tips
Use the full load of the machine.
Clean the dishes from the big impurities before loading in the car.
If your machine has a half load mode, use it when washing small amounts of dishes.
Modern TVs are characterized by low power consumption, however, respect the basic rules of their use will further reduce the power consumption.
Operating tips
If you are using a TV to listen to music, turn off the image.
Always try to turn off the TV, even if you leave the room for 5 - 10 minutes. Don't let the TV was wasted, was used as the background sound.
Computers consume an incredible amount of energy, the more often they are required to stay on for days. So, if you have a choice, it is better to use a laptop instead of a computer - it is much more economical.
Operating tips
Use energy-saving mode of the computer – it is in any operating system.
It makes no sense to constantly turn on and off the computer, if used during the day. This has a negative impact on its functioning. However, during the breaks, shut off the computer monitor.
Peripherals such as printers and scanners, should be included in the network only when they are needed.
In the cold season is the main consumer of electricity. And it not only consumes much electricity, but dry the air. If heat from conventional heating systems is not enough, then think about additional options to protect from the cold.
Tips to retain heat in the house
You can seal cracks and holes in the house, which takes heat, insulated floor and Windows, wash the old battery from rust or to install additional.
It is possible to install plastic Windows. They retain about twenty percent of the heat in the room. This means that the heater use does not have or include much less common.
Properly ventilate the room. This should be done even during the disconnection of the heating. Constantly open window, surprisingly, it cools, but no air space. Use full ventilation - for a few minutes widely open all the Windows. The air has time to be replaced, and surfaces in the room will stay warm. This will reduce heat loss and do not add a heater to bring the heat. And, by the way, turn off the heater at the time of airing.
Some additional tips for saving electricity
Use with appliances of class A
When buying appliances, choose energy-saving models marked a, A+, A++.
Do not leave electrical appliances in standby mode
Do not leave plugged in the TV, the microwave, light bulbs, kitchen appliances and other devices. Even in standby mode appliances consume energy.
Use residual heat appliances
For example, iron is stored residual heat that will last for a few minutes Ironing. Ironing Board with Heat Reflector is also a good way of saving electricity.
Turn off the stove for a few minutes before cooking. Left on / off burner the meal itself comes ready.
Use of interior lighting solutions
When used in a light-colored interior, it decreases the amount of electricity needed for lighting. If the floor and walls to make the light, they will help to visually expand the space and improve illumination. For example, a smooth white wall reflects 80% of the rays, the dark green surface gives only 15% of the light, black – 9 %
Don't neglect natural light
The use of sunlight is one of the most significant reserves of economy of electric energy. To this end, the house preferred light walls and curtains. Do not clutter up the window with something, so as not to impede the penetration of light into the room. By the way, dirty Windows take up to 25% of daylight. To avoid wasting funds on unnecessary lighting keep window glass constantly clean.
Use of economic instruments for lighting
Replace incandescent bulbs energy-saving or led lamps. They consume energy at times less than traditional incandescent bulbs, and last much, much longer.
And, incidentally, limit the use of interior lighting from opaque and dark glass. They conceal the light and forced to use light bulbs with greater power.
Use zone lighting
Install in the room a few lights over the reading chair next to the bed, on writing/computer Desk. Agree, there is no need to illuminate the whole room, enough to illuminate only certain areas. For these purposes, you can use a less powerful lamp than you would normally put in the main chandelier.
Clean lighting fixtures from dust and dirt
Over time, the bulb, the screen monitor or TV is formed of the dust of the plaque, because of this, the light emitted from them, begins to fade. To avoid waste of electricity for this reason, wash it periodically from the surfaces of lighting fixtures, usually wash the shades in lamps and chandeliers.